Remington #BeardBoss Launch

Remington #BeardBoss Launch

If you have a beard, like beards or are even slightly interested in beards you need to check out #BeardBoss. You can enter your beard for wonderful prizes and you will see the photo and video work of TNT Studio! Beginning many months ago, we had the privilege of teaming up with Remington and the 4 Beard Bosses. Unsure if the idea would fly we went to work concepting and imagining the look and feel for these bearded fellows. Luckily it flew and we collaborated with Remington to create a unique library of images and videos for the launch of their campaign and contest. The images consist of studio portraits, behind the scenes prep and hilarious outtakes while the videos add character and a voice to each Beard Boss story. “Until you try, you never know what you can grow.” – MJ Johnson // Beard Boss

See more from the project and all of the videos here.

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11 years ago

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