Back in California

Back in California

After realizing that we have about 15,000 photos from the TNT Creative Tour it makes sense that it’s taken us a while to comb through the booty. The California coast is really a treasure and traveling on HWY 101 and Hwy 1 was a sight to behold, especially from the vantage point of a class A RV named Loretta. This amazing view also came with death-defying glimpses down the cliffs and a little bit of cliff-anxiety.  We were happy to be traveling in the still less busy tourist season (Mid-May) because we had the roads mostly to ourselves and driving slowly with many scenic stops was easy to pull-off. The only exception to the less busy tourist rule happened to us in Santa Monica on Memorial Day. We thought we could find a little spot by the beach for us to work and play but instead we drove for 4 hours in traffic watching others play on the beach. Luckily we won Wonder Woman Banana in Whack-a-Mole the night before on the Santa Monica Pier to keep our spirits up.

Comment (1)

Landscapes in your article so beautiful. I really love it

9 years ago

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